Today (March 9th) is “Thank You Day” 😄
Therefore, to all my friends
and followers, “san kyuu!” 🙏 今日(3月9日)は「サンキューデイ」ですね 😄
These days based on the reading of the numbers in the date are interesting! 😁
We have these kind of days too in English, but not as many as in Japanese
For example, I wonder if you know what May 4th is called... 🤔
In English, we say “May 4th, may the fourth”
例えば、5月4日は何と言うかを知ってるのかなぁ 🤔
英語で「May 4th, “may the fourth”」と言いますね
Do you know one of the most famous Star Wars quotes? 🎬
In English, 「フォースと共にあれ」 is “May the force be with you”
英語で「フォースと共にあれ」は “May the force be with you”
“force” and “fourth” sound very similar, right?
Therefore, we call May 4th “Star Wars Day” 😆
だから、5月4日は「スターウォーズデイ」と言います 😆
* The truth is, I haven’t seen the Star Wars films apart from the first one! 😝
実はスター・ウォーズのシリーズは最初の映画しか見てなかったですよ 😝

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