Is it to become rich
? 安定した仕事を持ってるということ?
Does it mean to have a stable job?
I think it's different.
私にとって success の定義は簡単なものだ。
それは、自分で決めてゴールを目指してそのゴールへ精一杯頑張ってるわけだと思う。For me the definition of success is very simple. That is deciding on a goal and doing your best to reach that goal.
それは毎晩泣いてる赤ちゃんあやすために寝不足なお母さんだ。子供を育てたいから一所懸命子供にケアをする。それは success.
That is a sleepless mother calming down the baby that's been crying every night. She wants to raise her child that's why she is working hard. That is success.
Success は子供に大学を卒業させるため毎日精一杯で働く貧乏な農民です。それは success. Success is the poor farmer who works with all his might to let his children graduate college.
お金持ちになりたい?安定した仕事が欲しい?それも自分で決めたゴールだね。you want to become rich? You want a stable job? That too is a goal you decided right?
自分で決めたゴールへ継続して頑張ってるなら、もう success になっているのではないでしょうか?
Isn't it that when you are working hard for a goal that you decided, you are already successful?
だから私にとって、新しい言語を学んでいるどうしようもないバカはたとえ下手だったとしても、目標に向けて努力する限りもうそれは success だと思う。
that's why for me a hopeless idiot who is learning a new language even if they are bad at it, if they continue to aim for it, I think they are already successful.
please continue to do your best 🙂
Don't give up
Rome wasn't built in a day 🙂
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