So students ask me, “Why haven’t I improved? Even though I’ve
been studying everyday!”‼️❓🤔Well...I can personally assure you that if you have sincerely studied every day, even for 1-3 minutes, ♦️you have improved!!♦️
❓How do I know this? 🦍❓
♦️Well If you can read the words and understand them that you couldn’t to last month. That’s progress!
♦️If you accidentally used words in a proper situation without thinking 🤔. That’s progress!
♦️If you were was able to write even one word that you couldn’t last month, that’s progress!
Moral of the story...⭕It’s all about marginal gains. Be patient and consistent. ⭕ Remember glass is half full and not half empty!!😉💦
Picture of the day! 🍁

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