This was taken earlier this afternoon.
This was taken earlier this afternoon.
여기 이른 아침 모습입니다.
(That’s me amazed with the view.
(That’s me amazed with the view.
그 뷰 그건 저를 놀라게 했습니다.
Majestic scenery.
Majestic scenery.
장중한 광경이었습니다.
Most Japanese like Cebu and go to Cebu for beach trip right?
Most Japanese like Cebu and go to Cebu for beach trip right?
대부분의 일본 사람들은 세부와 세부 해변에 여행 가는걸 좋아하죠 그렇죠?
Because that’s what some of them tell me that they love Cebu.
Because that’s what some of them tell me that they love Cebu.
그 이유는 그들 중 어떤 사람이 제게 세부는 좋다 라고 그걸 알려주거든요.
But there so many amazingly beautiful beach resorts in Philippines.
But there so many amazingly beautiful beach resorts in Philippines.
근데 너무나 놀랍게 아름다운 해변은 필리핀 리조트에 있어요.
Our country is gifted with magnificent nature.
Our country is gifted with magnificent nature.
우리 나라는 굉장히 자연에 축복받았습니다.
🧡 It just depends on what type of beach resort you want to go to.
🧡 It just depends on what type of beach resort you want to go to.
그건 바로 어떤 바닷가리조트에 당신이 가는 걸 원하는지에 달려 있기도해요.
I personally like private beach resorts & spa.
I personally like private beach resorts & spa.개인적으로 사유해변리조트 스파같은 걸 좋아하는데
Because not so crowded and more privacy.
Because not so crowded and more privacy.
이유는 많은 군중이 몰리지 않고 더 프라이버시를 갖게 하거든요.
I can move freely.
I can move freely.
자유롭게 움직일 수 있고요.
Philippines’ weather is usually sunny/hot and rainy during rainy season.
Philippines’ weather is usually sunny/hot and rainy during rainy season.필리핀의 날씨는 보통 맑거나 덥고 우기 시즌에는 비가와요.
A tropical country in South East Asia.
A tropical country in South East Asia.동남아시아 열대지역 기후 예요.
If you plan to make a vacation trip, why not come visit here?
If you plan to make a vacation trip, why not come visit here?
당신이 휴가 여행을 계획한다면, 왜 여길 오지 않나요?
It’s not that far from your country.
It’s not that far from your country.
그건 당신의 나라와 멀지 않은 걸 의미해요.