Buenas, Oí, Hello! ☺️👋🏼
Here in Ontario apple season is in September
, so it’s the best month to go apple picking! 🍎🧺 However, I couldn’t resist buying some for today. 👇🏼💓 #1 - Bolo de maçã/ Pastel de Manzanas
In the first picture I made an apple cake, the brown substance on top is cinnamon. 🥰 This makes it all gooey and sweet inside, perfect for a chilly day outside. ✨
#2 - Maçãs/ Manzanas
Apples are my favourite kind of fruit, what is yours? 🍎🍐🍋🍑🍒🥭🍍
#3 - Peixe frito/ Pescado frito
Third picture is fried fish, something I’ve been craving for a while now!!
It takes a while to prepare, but so worth it.
Definitely the bomb.com 😋

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