Stop saying I want 🚫 when making requests
it sounds rude/impolite
😜 instead try saying
I'd like
Could I have
I'll have
or more politely
may I have

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Meri 2021.07.04 12:09
Ariel Pacheco 2021.07.04 12:14
Pilar 2021.07.04 12:18
Alex 2021.07.04 12:24
Maria 2021.07.04 12:29
Leonardo Munevar 2021.07.04 12:58
Mely 2021.07.04 14:00
Hami 2021.07.04 20:17
Hami 2021.07.04 20:18
Hami 2021.07.04 20:19
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