すきないろはあおですが、オレンジもすきです。- My favorite color is blue, but I also
like orange.Let me continue where I left off yesterday. So many spring flowers were blooming, the town does a great job tending to the planters and garden areas. As I was milling about looking for good views it was really getting hot - today it was reported that we ended up just one degree shy of a record yesterday - and I needed to move on if I wanted to complete my planned route.
I will pick up this series again tomorrow with a completely different location about an hour away from there and one more after that - this might stretch over multiple posts again. Yes, it was an amazing day for photography. In fact, I filled up my memory card and had to erase some old photos multiple times to make room 🤣.
A weather change is coming today with rain starting this afternoon and changing to snow overnight (at my elevation at least). How crazy is that? 😂❄

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