If you're gonna learn English...
... bloody well use it.
's no point whatsoever in learning the language if you're not going to use it to do things in your life, and importantly, have fun with it. Stop overthinking things.
Stop saying, "what if I say the wrong thing..."
Stop worrying about mistakes.
Stop worrying about offending people by saying the wrong thing.
Stop telling yourself, "My English is so poor."
In fact, stop giving so much of a shit about what people think.
You'd worry far, far less about what people think of you if only you realised just how little they do. It's sad, and perhaps a blow to your ego... but honestly? The vast majority of the people you speak to aren't thinking anything at all about you or your English. Everybody's so wrapped up in their own little worlds. Caring about only ME, ME, ME.
You know how much Chinese I speak?
Wǒ bù míngbái.
Nǐ xiǎng hē píjiǔ ma?
xiè xie ni.
But you know what?
Screw it.
I can use it, and I bloody well will.
(of course, I plan to be able to say a little bit more the longer I live in China 😊😊)
- Adam x

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