ていう言葉は全部同じ意味の副詞なんだね。私はよく考えたらいつでも取り替えできるけどニュアンスはちょっと違う。例外もあるし。 例文を見たら:
This book is very interesting. 🙂 (Not much emotion, ちょっとかたい感じがする)
This book is so interesting!! 😮😮(Shows excitement)
This book is pretty interesting 🤔 (it's interesting but you're not really *super* excited.)
very = とても(ちょっとかたい)
so = すごく/超 (元気な気持ち)
pretty = かなり/結構 (程度は強いけど100%じゃない)
It's pretty similar to Japanese, so try using them like this to speak more natural English!
The cat runs quickly. The book is very interesting.
She slept happily until morning.
The cat runs. The book is interesting. She slept until morning.
Adverbs are usually written after the verb, not before it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Hope this helps everyone learning English!! Let me know if my Japanese is strange in any way 😝

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