English Expressions: Have you got a death wish or something?
Jim: What’s wrong with you? Have you got a death wish or something?
Richard: What do you mean? What’s the matter? You’re freaking me out!
Jim: You’re driving at top speed! The car’s engine is gonna blow up. Slow down for heave’s sake! I don’t want to die prematurely.
Richard: Come on! You want me to ride at snail’s pace!
Don’t panic; you’re in good hands. All I’m trying to do is to catch the party on time.
Jim: You’re still picking up speed! I’d be out of my mind if I stayed a minute in this car. Stop the car; stop it. Pull over right away.
Richard: Okay; okay; don’t get worked up! I’ll slow down. Alas! You’ve missed the chance of observing my mind-blowing driving skills.
Jim: The most reckless driver ever!
have a death wish: to seem to be willing to take all sorts of needless risks.
freak someone out: to startle or frighten someone.
blow up: to explode; to go off.
prematurely: before the natural or suitable time.
at snail’s pace: extremely slowly in good hands: in the safe, competent care of someone.
pick up speed: to move faster; to accelerate. out of one’s mind: to be silly and senseless; to be crazy and irrational.
pull over: to drive one's vehicle to the curb or side of the road and bring it to a stop.
get worked up: to get upset or very excited about something.
mind-blowing: (adjective) overwhelmingly impressive.
reckless: (adjective) heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions; rash or impetuous.

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