It's been exactly a year since
I met my best friend on HelloTalk. 彼にハガキを送るため、彼の住所を聞いて、メッセージを送ったのが始まりでした。
It all started when I messaged him asking for his address to send him a postcard.
Since then, we have become good friends and we exchange messages in Japanese and English every day.
He is studying English very hard and I respect him very much.
We exchange gifts and help each other, but he has helped me more often than I have helped him.
He is the reason why I have not quit using this app.
I have met so many strange people on this app, but instead of continuing to be troubled about it, I send a screenshot to my best friend and we talk about it and try to work it out.
I can't wait to eat a lot of good food and have a good laugh with him when this pandemic is over.

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