English expression: That’s beside the point!
: Hey Michael; get over here! How was today’s test? Michael: As usual; I blew it! I told you French is just over my head.
Stephen: If you didn’t cut class frequently, you’d do better. Above all, you’re always messing around and slacking off. No wonder!
Michael: In short; I can’t stand the teacher. She takes side and favors Linda over others. That’s not fair.
Stephen: That’s beside the point! Why don’t you study hard and turn the tables on them? Then, we’ll see if she’s unfair.
Michael: Oh! My stomach hurts; I’m gonna throw up.
Get over here: used for telling someone to come. Blow something; to ruin or waste something.
Over one’s head: beyond someone's ability to understand.
Cut class: to absent oneself from a class; to miss classes on purpose.
Mess around: behave in a silly or playful way.
Slack off: to do something with less effort or energy.
Can’t stand: to dislike; to hate.
Take sides: to support one person or opinion over another.
Beside the point: not relevant; not important.
Turn the tables: to change a situation so that you now have an advantage.
Throw up: to vomit.

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