For lunch today, I stopped in a small town, at the bakery. There
were a few farmers in town and while waiting for my meat pie and coffee scroll I got chatting with two young shearers. We ate outside in the street, and discussed everything from the weather to the wethers. For them the meal in town was a big treat, much better than their usual home made sandwiches. For me it was just a convenient spot to stop on a long drive.As we were chatting, one of them pointed at a big 4x4 across the road and said it would cost two years wages to buy that car, but he wouldn’t want it anyway as his ute was ‘a B&S monster that’d rip the doors off anything within cooee’. They’d never heard of Covid, so we shook hands as we parted, but I waited until they were out of sight before crossing the road to get in my car.
Being content with what you have is more important than achieving happiness by getting what you want.

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