#27 Weekly Learning - Korean 📝
Hello friends 😄,
Welcome to my
weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓ Question: Have you ever met someone for a moment but feel like you’ve known that person for a thousand years before?
💡 Thought of the day: These days, wherever I go, this song has been playing at the stores, so I thought I should share it 😉.
🎧 Listening to: A thousand years - by Christina Perri
**Please translate the above to your native language in Korean, Japanese, and Russian when you're available 😊.
🍎 Example 1: Casual conversation - Confession
✏️ Dialogue practice:
👦🏻 준호: 미선아, 지금 시간 있어?
👦🏻 준호: Mi-seon, do you have some time right now (to talk)?
👩🏻 미선: 왜?
👩🏻 미선: Why?
👦🏻 준호: 나 할 말이 있어.
👦🏻 준호: I have something to tell you.
👩🏻 미선: 뭔데?
👩🏻 미선: What is it?
👦🏻 준호: 나 너 좋아해.
👦🏻 준호: I like you.
👩🏻 미선: 장난치지 마.
👩🏻 미선: Don't mess with me.
👦🏻 준호: 장난 아니야. 진심이야. 친구 말고 남자 친구 하고 싶어.
👦🏻 준호: I'm not kidding. I mean it. I want to be your boyfriend instead of a friend.
👩🏻 미선: 정말이야?
👩🏻 미선: Really?
👦🏻 준호: 응. 너 처음 봤을 때부터 좋아했어.
👦🏻 준호: Yes. I've liked you since the first time that I saw you.
👩🏻 미선: 정말 몰랐어.
👩🏻 미선: I really didn't know.
👦🏻 준호: 너는 나 어때?
👦🏻 준호: What do you think about me?
👩🏻 미선: 사실 나도 너 좋아하고 있었어.
👩🏻 미선: Actually, I've liked you too.
👦🏻 준호: 정말? 고마워.
👦🏻 준호: Really? Thank you.
😳 This passage is a little challenging because I don’t really initiate a confession first.
1. Noun + 말고 + Noun = not this Noun, but that Noun
2. Verb/adjective + 았/었/했을 때부터 = Since the time (Subject) verb/adjective
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Conversation Textbook
*Pardon for my pronunciation. Please correct it when necessary.

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