ンチをたべました。ランチはWasabiのレストランに行ってご飯を食べました。 Oxfordの町はとてもきれいと思います。あそこに住みたい。
Good morning! It's been a while..
Last Monday, I met up with two of my friends from my master's degree in Oxford. We walked around town and had lunch together. For lunch we went to a restaurant called Wasabi.
I think Oxford is such a beautiful city, I'd like to move there one day.
I'm now on the train to London to get my vaccine!
I found the last photo online so that you can see what 'Wasabi' looks like. Ironically, most English people (as far as I know) don't eat wasabi in their food. It is optional however and you can add it to your food if you want.

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