习的机会,人们不过使多用互联网来娱乐。同时,网站总是建议自己大会喜欢的视频。由于,我们总是看一样的视频。在英语我们有一个句话:'Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of madness'
I feel that many famous websites are getting more and more boring. Whether it's YouTube, in the United States or Douyin in China, it's like I see the same video every day. I think the Internet provides a lot of learning opportunities, people just make more use of the Internet for entertainment. At the same time, the website always recommends what you are most likely to watch. As a result, we always watch the same video.
In English we have a saying:'Doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of madness'
Have we all become mad?

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