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the examples given here. I will help you with pronunciation🙂. When words end in 'ed' in English, the 'ed' ending is pronounced in 3 different ways.
• 1: 'id' (like in noted 'not-id')
• 2: 'd' (like in 'turned')
• 3: 't' (like in 'directed')
The most important thing to remember is this:
If the verb has a 'd' or a 't' sound before 'ed' you need to pronounce 'id'.
For example:
• wanted (want-id)
• started (start-id)
• recommended (recommend-id)
• hated (hate-id)
• decided (decide-id)
If it does NOT have a 'd' or a 't' sound before 'ed', don't pronounce the 'e' in 'ed'.
If just before 'ed' you have an unvoiced sound ('p', 'f', 's', 'ch', 'sh', 'k'), '~ed' is pronounced 'T': So:
• 'p' stoppT
• 'f' coughT
• 's' promisT
• 'ch' watchT
• 'sh' finishT
• 'k' workT
If just before 'ed' you have an voiced sound ('b', 'v', 'z', 'n', 'd', 'g', vowels, etc.), '~ed' is pronounced 'D': So:
• enjoyD
• cleanD
• amazD
• callD
• playD
For more on voiced and unvoiced sounds seemy past post on this: https://hellotalk.com/m/xJOUtSVQAESaZD==?id=JRpGZON=

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