Haha I tried to write this without looking! I really hope that
it is correctly written, or else that would be embarassing! 😂💗*Chinese Blondie hours*

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马小静同学 2020.01.25 18:12
Blondie 2020.01.25 18:13
云层里的星光. 2020.01.25 18:40
w顾城wll 2020.01.25 19:05
carol 2020.01.25 19:16
Sora 2020.01.25 19:19
Blondie 2020.01.25 19:20
Blondie 2020.01.25 19:21
Blondie 2020.01.25 19:21
Victor 2020.01.26 04:23
leffer 2020.01.26 09:12
monsters 2020.01.26 10:35
wait 2020.01.31 09:39
Max 2020.04.27 14:27
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