フライトをキャンセルしました。代わりに、彼にハッグとキスをオンラインで送りました。 確かに残念なことですが、他の多くの人が経験していること(病気、失業、さまざまな機会の中止など)を考えると、大したことではないと思います。
My grandson’s first birthday is today. My wife and I had plans to go to the U.S. to celebrate the milestone with him but with the corona virus precautions in place, we canceled our flights. Instead, we sent him our hugs and kisses online.
It’s disappointing, for sure, but considering what many others are going through (e.g. illness, job loss, and many kinds of lost opportunities), it’s not something to quibble about.
Please take care everyone.

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