✨✨✨Attention Japanese✨✨✨
Hi! I talk to a lot of you and I want
to give you tips on English. Here is some slang and grammar usage tips! ✨SLANG✨
That sucks = that’s bad/I don’t like that
I’m dead = that’s really funny
Hang out = spend time together
My bad = sorry
Screw up = mess up
“I’m going to Tokyo from now”
This is wrong because “from” doesn’t work here. If you’re going to start doing something, then say “starting now” or “right now”. This works for all instances where you say “from now”. (Doesn’t apply to when there is something after it like “from now on” or “from now until 12, I’m gonna watch a movie”)
“Do you like movie?”
This is wrong because “movie” should be plural. It should be “movies”. This goes for other nouns in its place.
Lol/ Lmao = (笑)
rn = right now
tbh = to be honest
ASAP = as soon as possible
bday = birthday
brb = be right back
btw = by the way
bf/gf = boyfriend/girlfriend
fyi = for your information (just so you know)
gl = good luck
gn = good night
gtg = got to go
hw = homework
idc = i don’t care
idk = I don’t know
ily = I love you
imo = in my opinion (what I think)
irl = in real life (outside of the internet)
jk = just kidding (just joking)
k = okay
nvm = never mind
omg = oh my god
pic = picture
rip = rest in piece (for when someone dies,
also used jokingly for when something
bad happens)
tmi = too much information (for something
ttyl = talk to you later
ty = thank you
wtf = what the f***
yw = you’re welcome

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