I’ve been on a Keto diet in order to loose
weight ダイエットのために炭水化物をあまり食べれない
For this diet, you can’t really eat carbohydrates
When the body enters ketosis, it uses fat for energy instead of glucose
I’ve also come to find that exercising a lot daily and fasting in the morning is also very useful for this diet
This diet is very difficult at the beginning, but when ketosis becomes much easier to continue
But there’s a lot of delicious that we must refrain from eating
I’ve already managed to loose 7 kilograms, but this year I gained a lot of weight so I’ll keep doing my best
写真1- 今夜の夕食はステーキとオクラ🥩
Picture 1 - tonight’s dinner is steak and okra
写真2- 最近のケトーシスのテスト
Picture 2 - my recent ketosis test
写真3- 今日はとても良い天気だった
Picture 3- today was very nice weather

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