ゆうがたのさんぽでは、ときどきサプライズがあります。- My evening walks sometimes give me
a surprise. 😯Earlier this week I paid a visit to the local lake again. It was a fun excursion because of the number of birds I was able to photograph:
🔅Northern Flicker (#8, #9)
🔅House Finch (#1)
🔅Common Grackle (#3)
🔅Great Blue Heron (#4, #6)
🔅Red-winged Blackbird (#5, #7)
🔅Osprey (#2)
The Osprey was a big surprise, because I have not spotted one here before. It was sitting high on a tree, so I could not get quite that close, but I still got a decent picture, I think.
The Northern Flicker is a bird I actually shot in my backyard. It is a woodpecker that is quite common around here and drives people including me insane in spring, when the males bang on house sidings and downspouts as a way to mark their territory. It sounds like someone is drilling in the wall... At 7am... On a weekend... 🤣

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