Growing up my favorite snacks were fruit snacks or gummies and
the Jin Jin Lychee jellies. I absolutely love them and I even ate some today. I also really like the Glico Pocky Sticks. My mom didn’t always buy these but when she did they would be gone in a matter of minutes. So after eating all those snack I was always thirsty so I would go in search of my favorite banana milk which I still drink to this day. I always got to eat these snacks because my mom loves to shop at the Oriental Supermarket in our local Chinatown and I do too. 😊长大我最喜欢的零食是水果零食和金锦荔枝果冻。我非常爱他们,今天我甚至吃了一些。我也非常喜欢Glico Pocky Sticks。我妈妈并不总是买这些,但是当她这样做时,他们会在几分钟内消失。因此,在吃了所有这些零食之后,我总是口渴,所以我会去寻找我最喜欢的香蕉牛奶,直到今天我仍然喝。我总是喜欢吃这些小吃,因为我妈妈喜欢在当地唐人街的东方超市购物,我也喜欢。
P.S. Don’t forget to correct and leave a comment down below on what your favorite snacks were when you were growing up. 😃

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