도전하다 ≠ challenge
I want to challenge English. ❌❌❌❌❌
I want
to try studying English. 👍 I want to give studying English a try. 👍
I will challenge reading this book. ❌
I'll try reading this book. 👍
I'll give [reading] this book a try. 👍
I challenged my diet. ❌
I tried going on a diet. 👍
I gave going on a diet a try. 👍
~ 만약 어떤 이유로 "challenge"란 단어를 꼭 사용하고 싶으시다면...
I want to challenge myself by studying English. 👍
I'll challenge myself with this book. 👍
I challenged myself by going on a diet. 👍

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