しんねんどにむけてよいスタートをきることができました。- It was good start to the New Year
.I started the New Year with a walk as it was a sunny day with temperatures just below freezing. It felt good to move after a week of sitting at home. The visibility was really good today. I can never take enough photographs of the mountains here.
I also wanted to check out the bison herd, so I drove to a second spot on the way. Here is the story of the bison herd: They are direct descendants of the last wild bison in the United States. They were shipped here in 1914 from Yellowstone National Park and a preserve was created where they can roam relatively free. There are about 30 of them on a decent size piece of land. Of course, this is not Yellowstone, so they are behind a tall fence, but it is still a cool sight. I took a few snapshots of them eating a relaxing. Two young bulls were sparring for a little bit and I caught that scene on camera as well. It was also fun to watch the crow follow the animals, I guess it was looking for a snack.
I wanted to write about my New Year's resolutions, but it is almost 3 am, so I will leave that for tomorrow. I don't usually have any resolutions, but last year I decided to stop wasting time and start learning Japanese. I also wanted to be less of a hermit and socialize more, but we know how that turned out with the epidemic. I am now forcibly even more of a hermit then ever before... 😂

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