あかりがひかっていて、ゆきがふっていました。- The lights were shining bright and snow
was falling. 🌨✨Oh what a weekend! I took out the skis for the first time today and enjoyed a beautiful sunny day, but more about that tomorrow. Now, here's my recount of my photo shoot on Saturday. The plan was to leave right after dark to try to capture the Christmas illumination at my favorite riverwalk with some fresh snow on the ground.
Well, as usual I got delayed and by the time I left snow was coming down! So in addition to a fresh layer of snow I got snow from above as well! 😂
I spent an hour and half going around and experimenting with camera settings, but it was a challenge. 📷 The temperature, at -5°C at the beginning was only falling and the snowfall intensified. It is really hard to control the camera with conditions like that. However, the scenery was spectacular. Just a perfect night 12 days before Christmas...
There were some people strolling around and taking pictures, but otherwise it was very quiet and serene. Restaurants here have been ordered closed for indoor dining, so the usual weekend crowds were missing.
At the end I thought about trying out a few shots with the flash and it captured the snowflakes really well! I hope it conveys a little of the Christmas spirit I felt. 🎄💫
I just learned there is a word for this: イルミネーション - Illumination 🤓

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