すきなどうぶつはハイイログマです。 - My favorite animal is the Grizzly Bear.
かれ-らはみりょく-てきです! - They are fascinating! 🐻
I am sharing some of my most recent pictures today. The muskrat is often seen around the lake, it is related to the beaver. I was on the lookout for birds of prey, but had no luck so far...
I also wanted to share a link to my new gallery that I have been working on for the past few weeks. I can only share a limited number of pictures here and after all this is not a photo sharing app. 😆
I have put mostly my recent photos on it so far, because it is an enormous task to organize the site, create the galleries with titles and descriptions as well as select the best photos. I hope to keep adding more as time goes on from my collection. If you are interested, please stop by and visit. It is functional on a phone, but it is best experienced on a larger screen.
I have plans for some exciting outdoor activities in the mountains for the weekend. I have requested tomorrow off, so that means three days of possible adventures 😎
Have a great weekend! 🌞

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