っ越すのは楽しみですけど北海道が好きだから出るのはちょっと悲しいと思います。特に、僕の幼稚園の子供達に別れを告げる時、とっても苦しいです!😢 幼稚園を最後の出る時、本当に寂しくなって泣かずにはいられないと思います!北海道の生活は結構寂しいから違う場所に引っ越したいけど幼稚園にいる時いつも子供達に元気付けられます!あとは、この間園長先生は 「今まで、大地太陽に来た英語の先生の中でもルイスさんは、一番子ども達に人気です」!園長先生はそう教えてくれて本当に嬉しかったです 😊 だからその幼稚園をずっと忘れないです! Good evening! It’s finally the weekend! :)
Next week I have an interview in Tokyo so I’ll be going there! I’m also going to look at some apartments! If I get the job it’ll be exciting to move to Tokyo but I like Hokkaido so it’ll also be a little sad. In particular, it’ll be really hard for me to say goodbye to the children at my kindergarten. 😢 When I leave the kindergarten for the last time, I’ll feel really sad and I don’t think I’ll be able to help myself from crying! My life in Hokkaido is quite lonely hence why I want to move to a different place, but whenever I’m at the kindergarten the children always cheer me up! Also, the other day the head of the kindergarten told me that “Out of all the English teachers we’ve had that have come to our kindergarten so far, you’re the most popular with the children”! I was really happy that she told me that. 😊 So I’ll never forget that kindergarten!
I hope you all have a great weekend! 😉
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