New Zealand Kiwi culture - what is tramping?
Tramping is a popular
activity in New Zealand. It is known elsewhere as hiking, backpacking, rambling, hill walking or bushwalking. Trampers often carry a backpack and wet-weather gear, and may also carry equipment for cooking and sleeping. New Zealand has hundreds of tramping huts in the forests and mountains. These are maintained by the New Zealand government and cost a few dollars to stay in. But don't expect more than a mattress, a long drop loo (toilet), a candle holder for light, and a hard wooden bench to sit on ☺. Everyone sleeps in the same room on bunks regardless of gender. It is an unspoken rule though to have good manners and be respectful of each other. I love tramping for the carthatic experience of cleansing from the trappings of modern life, the feel good from a day of physical effort, and playing cards and talking with candlelight at the end of a long day. (Yay - my voice is back after 10 days 😄😁)

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