。特に、牛は環境に相当大きな影響に与えるので牛肉をできるだけ食べません。 今回は牛肉ミンチの代わりにひよこ豆と金時豆を主に使いました。豆がたんぱく質の豊かな材料なので完全に牛肉を交換できるわけです。コショウと焼き玉ねぎをいっぱい入れましたので味はすごく濃くて美味しかったです。普通のバーガーに負けませんよ😁
Homemade hamburger without meat!
Recently, to reduce the amount of carbon footprint, I decided to stop eating meat. Especially, cows have quite a high amount of carbon footprint, so I try to stop eating beef all together.
This time, I used chickpeas and red kidney beans in exchange of grounded beef. Beans also have a lot of protein so I can fully replace beef with beans. I also put a lot of pepper and fried onion so the burger tastes strong and flavorful. I guarantee it doesn't lose to the real meat burger 😆

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