Do you like tea ? This is a list of countries with the highest
tea consumption per capita. Turkey is in the lead, and several Arab countries have made it to the list. What's surprising is that China, the place where tea is believed to have originated is not on the list.Tea is a wonderful drink that comes in so many variations around that world, that it can hardly be called a single beverage! :)
Tea is healthy, and different kinds offer different benefits to the drinker.
I consider myself somewhat of a tea connoisseur, since I enjoy trying different kinds of tea in various forms.
Tea can be sugarless, sweet, sour, refreshing or spicy. It's consumed as a cold, warm, milky, and watery beverage.
I'm one of the few people who like both coffee and tea. Most people prefer one or the other or neither.
I like to make Turkish tea, Karak tea, and chai in my home.
Tell me about your experiences with tea. 😃
هذه قائمة الدول من حيث إستهلاك الفرد للشاي. تركيا هي الأولى عالمياً، و عدد من الدول العربية على القائمة . الغريب أنه الصين ليست من ضمن هذه الدول بالرغم من أن الشاي زرع أولاً في الصين. هل تحبون الشاي؟ كيف تتناول الشاي و كيف تحضره؟ هل جربتم انواع من الشاي من دول أجنبية؟
أنا أحضر الچاي الهندي، و الشاي التركي، و الكرك و غيرهم من الأنواع في منزلي.

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