Today is World Mental Health Day. Mental health is a global issue
that is too often swept under the carpet and/or deeply misunderstood so this is a message for anyone who’s going through tough times. I’ve had a number of people in my life suffer from various bouts of sadness, depression, anxiety, worthlessness and despair over the past year or so. I just want them or you or anyone to know it’s ok. There’s never any shame in feeling that way but with life there is hope and with hope there is life. People can’t always understand, nor can they solve issues but they can provide support. Never feel like you’re a burden or you are alone or else the problems may only grow and multiply. It’s important to take a chance to remember that we might not be aware of what is going on in someone’s life. Kindness, respect and even a small gesture such as a smile or compliment can go a lot further than we could ever imagine. Whoever you are, wherever you may be and whatever you’re going through remember that you’re special, you’re unique and you’re loved. Next time you’re feeling good about yourself, write it down. What do you love about yourself? What do you love about your life? What are you grateful for? Then look at back these during those hard times to remind yourself of everything that is wonderful about you and your life. Problems can’t be solved overnight. They may not be tomorrow, or next month but eventually time can heal everything and everything can become ok. Don’t lose hope.

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