#23 Weekly Learning - Korean 📝
Hello HT friends 😄,
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my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺 ❓ Question: What’s the title of the book that you’ve read recently?
🍎 Example 1: Polite conversation - Looking for a book
✏️ Dialogue practice:
👦🏻 손님: 저기요. 이 책을 찾고 있는데 못 찾겠어요.
👦🏻 손님: Excuse me. I’m looking for this book, but I can’t find it.
👩🏻 점원: 이 책은 지금 없어요. 이 책이 인기가 많아서 다 팔렸어요.
👩🏻 점원: We don’t have this book now. This book is quite popular, so it’s sold out.
👦🏻 손님: 그럼 언제 살 수 있어요?
👦🏻 손님: Then, when can I buy it?
👩🏻 점원: 아직 모르겠어요. 다른 서점에 있을 수도 있어요.
👩🏻 점원: I don’t know yet. Other bookstores might have it.
👦🏻 손님: 다른 서점은 못 가요. 여기에서 사야돼요.
👦🏻 손님: I can’t go to other bookstores. I have to buy it here.
👩🏻 점원: 그럼 기다려야 돼요.
👩🏻 점원: Then you need to wait.
👦🏻 손님: 언제까지 기다려야 해요?
👦🏻 손님: Until when do I have to wait?
👩🏻 점원: 다음 주에 다시 오세요.
👩🏻 점원: Come again next week.
👦🏻 손님: 다음 주에는 책을 살 수 있어요?
👦🏻 손님: Can I buy the book next week?
👩🏻 점원: 그럴 것 같아요.
👩🏻 점원: I think so.
👦🏻 손님: 확실하지 않아요?
👦🏻 손님: You are not sure?
👩🏻 점원: 네. 활실하지 않아요.
👩🏻 점원: Right. I’m not sure.
1. 못 + Verb + 아/어/해 보세요 - can’t
2. Verb/Adjective + 는/ㄴ데 - but
🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙
🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼
🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️
Thank you 🤗
Source: Conversation Textbook
*Pardon for my pronunciation. Please correct it when necessary.

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