こんにちは! こーゆー投稿したことあるけど
Good evening! I've made this type of post
before but もし今年の決意は英語が喋れるようになりたい人がいればもう1回投稿しようって思った
I thought if there people who want to learn to speak English as their New Years Resolution I'd post it again
ちょっと喋れるようになる(たぶん)アドバイスを教えたいと思う~ 😱長いけど😱
I have some advice for you~ It's long tho
That advice is: You should get used to conversations
てゆーか、正しい文法や言葉を使うよりただ話すことに集中するのがいい 😊
In other words, rather than focusing on being correct, focus on just speaking
Of course, it's good to speak correctly but you can't start a conversation by worrying about if it's correct or not. It's okay to make mistakes!
いい話し相手だったら正しい英語を教えてあげられるし、間違っても会話に関して少しでもだけど自信がつく 😊
If you have a good practice partner they'll teach you how to say it correctly and even if you're wrong you'll be a bit more confident in conversations
もっと英語が上手になれば会話しできる!っていう考えもダメだと思う! いつでもしてみたらいい~ 日本人は自分の思ってるより英語上手だと思う 😂
Don't think "I'm going to try and speak when i'm better at English"! You can try whenever~ Japanese people are better at English than they think 😂
I also heard if you hear your own voice your listening skill improves
つまり、JUST DO IT! 恥ずかしがらないで! もちろん、通じれないことがあって苦しいけどドンマイドンマイ~ とりあえず、緊張を消しましょう!
In other words, JUST DO IT! Don't be embarrassed! Of course, it's frustrating when you can't convey yourself but don't worry about it~ For now, get comfortable!
(実は僕、まだ緊張することがあるけどほとんどそんな気持ちなくなった 😂)
I still get nervous sometimes but not as often anymore

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