流行口语 (Do people still use these expressions?)
包在我身上 Leave it
to me 别拦着我! Let me go! Don't hold me back!
不甘心 Not take this lying down
怪不得呢 No wonder
豁出去了 (I'll) risk anything; go all out
就这么定了 That's settled!
看我的 Let me do it!
我早知道了 I already knew about it; That's old news.
谁怕谁呀 Who's afraid of who?
好是好 It's all good all, but
看上去很美 Looks beautiful
看怎么说了 It depends on how you look at it.
可话又说回来 On the other hand; stick to the point —
你成吗? Can you make it?
你也来了 You're here too!
你怎么又来了 Why are you here again?
你怎么知道的 How do you know?
说不清楚 It's hard to explain
说句公道话 To be fair; to do him justice
说真的 Tell the truth; be frank/truthful
在哪儿呢? Where are/were you?
有的是 There's plenty
这回看你的了 We're counting on you this time.

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