Sixth week at Stay at Home order 🏡
1st picture ~ homemade pickled
cabbage and radish 2nd picture ~ homemade sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is a probiotic-rich food and it's very easy to make. Traditional ingredients are cabbage and sea salt. But we also added fresh ginger and apple. Adding an apple helps to slightly reduce sour taste. Ginger is for additional nutritional benefit.
6주째 홈 오더에 머무르다
1 번째 사진 ~ 집에서 만든 절인 배추와 무
2번째 사진 ~ 집에서 만든 사우어크라우트
사우어크라우트는 프로바이오틱스가 풍부한 식품으로 만들기 매우 쉽다.

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