한국에 한 번 여행한 적이 있어요.
I've traveled to Korea once.
3주동안 거기에
있었어요. I was there for 3 weeks.
저는 2016년에 한국을 여행했어요.
I traveled to Korea in 2016.
한국에 간지 3년이 되었습니다.
It's been 3 years since I went to Korea.
인천에 머물며 서울과 광주, 인제, 속초, 춘천 등을 찾았어요
I stayed in Incheon and visited Seoul, Gwangju, Inje, Sokcho and Chuncheon.
저는 다시 정말로 한국에 가보고 싶어요
I really want to go to Korea again.
Please and thank you for teaching me so much. I've loved learning Korean and experiencing your culture and lifestyle. I've been blessed to have been able to travel to Korea and to have met so many wonderful people who were so willing to show me a part of their lifes. I was a mere stranger, but they were brave enough to take me in and open their hearts. I will be forever thankful for all those who made my experience such a heart-warming one. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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