1. Oops!
Oops! I forgot to call you yesterday. 昨天
忘了给你打电话了。 2. Boo-hoo!
Boohoo - My bag got stolen at the mall.呜呜,我的包在那家店里被人偷了。
以上这句话出自【歌舞青春2】,模仿哭泣的声音。感在口语中说boo hoo一般带有讽刺意味,有点像"哭吧,就知道哭!"这种意思,所以吵架的时候会常听。
3. Blah blah blah...
My mom used to say, "You should do this, or do that. Do your homework, play the piano, read English, blah, blah, blah. . . " 我妈妈常吩咐我:“你应该做这些,做那些。做作业啦,弹钢琴啦,读英文啦,等等……”
4. Ew
Jason called and asked me out. 阿杰打电话给约我出去了耶,
Jason!? Ew! 阿杰!厄!(令人作呕)
Ew是个彻头彻尾的美语。用来表示极度厌恶,其词形可根据厌恶程度而改变,如ewww、ewwww等。像《玩酷世代》(The O.C.)等美国青春剧中时常能听到女生拖长的ew声。
5. Meh.
At the end of the day I didn't want to see Resident Evil: because I knew it would leave me feeling "meh. "
“Meh” 表示没兴趣或无聊的

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