In case some of y’all are still confused about the concept of
ABC, I’ll just lay it out for you guysabc就是在美国出生的中国人,我们都是美国公民,但是我们看上去和你们一样,但是我们并不是国籍意义上的中国人,所以下次不要再问Are you Chinese?
As ABCs, we face a lot of racial discrimination from some of the other groups of people in the U.S. However, I’ve recently realized that we face the same thing even in China! I have some abc friends here in Shanghai who were looking for an English-teaching job but got rejected because of their looks. “You look too Chinese, the parents won’t trust you.” And next thing they saw was some Ukrainian dudes walking into the office and got the jobs. ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.
那么有些人可能会问了,abc的文化认同是什么?Well, that depends. 用我举例的话,我非常认同中华文化,我父母从小就和我说中文(上海话),我基本上每年也会回中国一次或两次,我直到小学二年级之前都在美国,之后我在中国读到初二便重新回去了,在英国上了一年高中后我就回到了美国直到现在大学也还在美国上学,目前在中国是因为病毒的缘故。我也很喜欢中文歌,说中文的各种方言。 有些人可能就不是如此,他比较喜欢白人的文化,有个derogatory的名词叫white-washed asians,也就是你们俗称的香蕉人,这类人他们可能如果你叫他Chinese他会更生气。
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