누군가가 알고 싶다면 여기에 영어 문자 메시지 속어가 있어요!
u = you
r = are
gonna = going
to wanna = want to
wdym = what do you mean
tbh = to be honest
ngl = not gonna lie (same as tbh)
omg = oh my god
lmk = let me know
smh = shaking my head (shows disbelief or annoyance)
lmao = laugh my ass off (same as lol)
wtf = what the f*ck
rn = right now
hbu = how about you
fr = for real
hru = how are you
btw = by the way (like changing the subject of the conversation)
fyi = for your information (to inform someone)
brb = be right back
ttyl = talk to you later
lol = laugh at loud (like haha)
ily = I love you
ik = I know
idk = I don’t know
idc = I don’t care
ofc = of course
I know people have done this plenty in the past, but I’ll post this just in case anyone wants to know most of the English texting slang words (used in America at least)

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