したアメリカ風ホットケーキと違う、薄いパンケーキです🌞 定番な食べ方は、レモン汁・砂糖と一緒に食べることです👍🏽
・薄力小麦粉 150g
・卵(M) 2個
・牛乳 300ml
・塩 一摘み
Today is Pancake Day in the UK!
So I made pancakes! UK pancakes are different from American pancakes - they're thin and traditionally you eat them with sugar and leamon juice🍋
・Plain flour (薄力粉 if in Japan) 150g
・ Eggs (M) 2個
・Milk 300ml
・Salt 1 pinch
・Add the flour, salt and eggs to a bowl and mix well
・While stiring, add the milk little by little. Stir well.
・When a smooth mixture is made, warm a little oil on a medium heat in a non-stick frying pan and pour about 1 ladle's worth of mixture in, turning the pan to spread the mixture out into a circle. crackle and start cooking quickly.
・After about a minute, turn the pancake over. Using a spachelar makes things easier! When both sides are speckled brown, the pancake is ready!
・If you're making many at once, warm a plate over some simemrkng water. Add the pancakes onto the plate in a stack to keep them warm. Add a little butter to each pancake as soon as it's done to keep it moist 🌻
・Keep making pancakes until all the oil is used up. Remember to add a little oil to the pan each time before frying the pancake.
・Once all the mixture is used up, you can eat the pancakes!
🇬🇧The most traditional toping in the UK is lemon and sugar, but strawberries, maple syrup, banana and chocolate all work well.

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