Rested early woke up thinking... It's interesting how humans
analyze and learn more about human behaviors in the attempt to strive for the betterment of the quality of relationships around. There's a lot of nasty people you encounter, and everyday is like a battle. You may face many tormented people well, you could even be that tormented person. I've heard many times 近朱者赤,近墨者黑 however, you should not be like a lemming. No one knows it all so it's good to be humble to continue to learn and grow. I do believe one person can make a difference. You can make that difference. A tiny spark can set an entire forest blazing. It's better that you stand for something than to fall for anything. Fight evil with goodness in hopes to break the dark cycle. Kill them with kindness and so again realizing why forgiveness is actual relief to your own self. When you continue the negative reruns of all your hurts.. essentially you are your own victim inside your own self. Wonder why or how else you could drive yourself crazy?! ha...😂🤣New day. New grace. Wage War against your own mind. Each day is a new gift to start anew. Plan it so that you've challenged yourself to be a better you today.
Originally... I thought of posting for awhile about taking the time to stop and smell the roses. As I was stopping by the store I saw autumn themed bouquets. Aren't they beautiful? I would like a field of beautiful flowers. Often times life is hectic and busy it's nice to take a moment and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Once upon a time I was talking with a friend about destination... our discussion was isn't it more important about the journey than the destination itself. I had thought it's all about the destination but you spend more time and effort to get to the end goal. Well is there an end goal? I think it's a continual process setting goals reaching them then keep on going but take time enjoying the path along the way. Well it's going to be a big week- time for more rest. Take care!

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