书,这样我能一边吃饭一边看书还能想下为什么中文提高不起来。 我问饭馆的服务员 (中文)“你的招牌菜是什么”,她回答 (英语) “你想吃什么?"。
天呢!我需要把纸贴我的前额 写明“我会汉语”。
这两天学到几个新的词,第一个是 “直接”,第二个是“间接“。比如说,中国人的表达很间接(委婉),外国人很直接,有意见就直接告诉你。 实际上在公司里没人喜欢惹人生气,
大家一般都委婉地表达自己的想法。比如说每个女朋友都让你自去己猜 哈哈
It's been a while since I have written a story.
I have been going to the gym 4-5 times a day for about 3 months now but today I felt a bit lazy. Actually I was a bit tired so I went out to have lunch. I took my chinese book so I could eat and read and also think about how bad my chinese is.
I asked the waiter in Chinese "what is your main dish?, she replied in English "what would you like to eat". Bloody hell man! I need to stick a piece of paper on my forehead to explain that I want to speak chinese.
These past few days I have learnt a few new words, "direct" and indirect:". For example, Chinese like to express their opinions indirectly while westerners are more direct. They will express their opinions directly with you. However, in companies people do not like to make others angry so they will not tell you how they really feel. Just like a girlfriend will make you guess haha

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