昨日、セブ市のスケートボーダの写真を撮った 🤟 昼ご飯の後で散策した時、スケートボーダー達に出会って、多くのスケートボ
ーダーやダンサーが寄り集まって練習する公園に行った。多くの人に写真を撮ってくださいって聞かれた!I took a photo of a skateboarder in Cebu City yesterday. After lunch, I met some skateboarders while I was walking around and we went to a park where many skateboarders and dancers gather to practice. Many people asked me to take their photo!
後で、すごく暑かったから、エアコンがあるタクシーに乗ったけど、渋滞がひどくて3.6kmだけが45分かかった! 🥵 でもエアコンが必要だった。🙏😂
After that, it was really hot so I took a taxi with air-conditioning, but traffic was so bad it took 45 minutes to move 3.6km! But I needed air-conditioning.

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