OUT OF THE BLUE =To appear out of nowhere without
any warning, to happen quite suddenly or randomly by surprise. BLUE PENCIL = To censor something, or limit the information that is shared.
A BLUE-EYED BOY = A critical description of a boy or young man who is always picked for special favours by someone in a position of higher authority.
A BOLT FROM THE BLUE = When some unexpected bad news is received.
BLUE BLOOD = Used to describe someone from a noble, aristocratic or wealthy family.
BLUE RIBBON = To be of superior quality or distinction, the best of a group.
TALK A BLUE STREAK = When someone talks very much and very rapidly.
FEEL BLUE =When someone looks or feels depressed or discontented.
BLUE IN THE FACE =To try really hard to win someone’s agreement, but usually end unsuccessfully.
ONCE IN A BLUE MOON = To occur extremely rarely, or only once in a lifetime.
BLUE COLLAR =Used to describe men used as labourers, or factory workers
BLACK AND BLUE = Badly bruised.
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