Two Languages, One (Bad) Joke
子羊の肉)を食べてる 🍽 👩🏻:「このラム、おいしいね!」
Two people are in a restaurant eating lamb 🍽
👩🏻: “This lamb is delicious, isn’t it!”
👨🏻: “Yeah, it’s not baa-d!”
👩🏻: “Ahh...”
① 英語で羊の鳴き声は baa です 🐑
② not bad はよく使う表現で、
口調次第で「まあまあ」から「素晴らしい」まで何でも意味できます 🗣
🤔 “How are you?”
🙂 “Not bad, thanks. You?”
= “good”
🤔 “How’s the weather?”
😕 “Yeah, it’s not bad... looks like it might rain soon”
= “okay, but...”
🤔 “How’s the food?”
😁 “Not bad! Not bad at all!”
= “great! really great!”

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