I would like to share with everyone a bit about my hometown.
I am from Minnesota, a State in the US that has all four seasons. On spring days it's warm and peaceful, on winter days it's ao cold you can barely step outside. I took theae photographs many years ago around the biggest city in the State: Minneapolis. You can observe some of the old buildings and structures, as well as our parks, lakes, and rivers. If you ever feel the need to visit Minnesota, I can give you tips on what to see.哈喽,我来给大家介绍介绍我的老家。我老家是美国明尼苏达州。春夏秋冬都有。春天的日子很暖和很安宁。冬天时冷到不要出门。这些照片是我好几年前拍的。你可以观察我老家的旧楼,江河,湖,公园等。要是打算去我老家玩,我可以给你推荐好多地方值得看。😊
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