Frases verbales (parte 2)
CARRY ON - seguir. continuar - I
'm sorry if I interrupted you. Please carry on. CARRY OUT - cumplir (una promesa) - The President carried out his promise to reduce taxation.
CARRY OUT - llevar a cabo - The execution was carried out at seven o'clock in the morning.
CLEAR UP - poner en orden - It took four hours to clear up after the party.
COME ACROSS - encontrar, dar con - I came across an old friend on the metro in Nueva York.
COME BACK - regresar - I'm going to England for two weeks. I'm coming back on the fifth.
COME IN - entrar - "Good morning. Come in and sit down."
COME ON - ¡Vamos!, ¡Date prisa! - Come on. We're going to be late.
CUT DOWN ON - consumir menos - You must cut down on cholesterol or you'll have a heart attack.
CUT OFF - cortar, desconnectar - When we didn't pay the bill, the electricity was cut off.

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