作者名称 国旗国籍




2021.07.07 16:01

#21 Weekly Learning - Korean 📝

Hello HT friends 😄,
Welcome to

my weekly learning of 🇰🇷🇯🇵🇷🇺

❓ Question: Do you prefer soft or firm mattress?
🍎 Example 1: Polite conversation - Looking for a mattress

✏️ Dialogue practice:
👦🏻 손님: 이 침대 얼마예요?
👦🏻 손님: How much is this bed?

👩🏻 점원: 이건 오백만 원이에요.
👩🏻 점원: It’s 5 million won.

👦🏻 손님: 비싸네요. 더 싼 거 있어요?
👦🏻 손님: It’s expensive. Do you have something cheaper?

👩🏻 점원: 네. 있어요. 그럼 이건 어떠세요?
👩🏻 점원: Yes, we do. Then, how about this one?

👦🏻 손님: 이건 그것보다 사이즈가 좀 작네요. 가격이 더 싸요?
👦🏻 손님: This one is a little smaller than that one. Is it cheaper?

👩🏻 점원: 네. 아주 싸요. 사백구십만 원이에요.
👩🏻 점원: Yes, it’s very cheap. It’s 4 million, 9 hundred thousand won.

👦🏻 손님: 별로 안 싸네요. 세일 안 해요?
👦🏻 손님: It’s not that cheap. Is there no sale?

👩🏻 점원: 지금은 세일 안해요.
👩🏻 점원: We are not having a sale yet.

👦🏻 손님: 언제 세일해요?
👦🏻 손님: When are you having a sale?

👩🏻 점원: 아직은 계획이 없어요. 세일하면 연락드릴게요.
👩🏻 점원: We don’t have any plans yet. I will let you know when we do.

👦🏻 손님: 네. 침대 배달해 주세요?
👦🏻 손님: Yes. Do you deliver your beds?

👩🏻 점원: 네. 배달해 드려요.
👩🏻 점원: Yes, we deliver them.

**please let me know if you would like me to practice with any name on my next post**

🕊 I would appreciate if you could leave your audio to read the above contents via comment or PM to me for my learning 🎙

🕊 It would also be nice if you could share some examples of the above grammar/vocabulary 👍🏼

🕊 Feel free to drop me a comment below ✒️

Thank you 🤗

Source: Conversation Textbook

*Pardon for my pronunciation
110 7

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  • Yoko 2021.07.08 08:13


    Ahaha 🤣 not cheap! Both of very expensive bed
  • Dark Coffee addict 2021.07.13 13:20


    🤖 You sound like 더 싼 건 있어요? (paragraph 3) and 사이즈가 자네요 (=the size is sleeping?) 더 싼 거 있어요? 사이즈가 작네요
  • Hannahlohme.314 2021.07.14 15:30


    @Yoko I agree too 😝
  • Hannahlohme.314 2021.07.14 15:37


    @Dark Coffee addict
  • Hannahlohme.314 2021.07.14 15:43


    @Dark Coffee addict
  • Dark Coffee addict 2021.07.14 20:50


    @Hannahlohme.314 Perfect!
  • Who 2021.07.25 12:28


    Gladysbear씨, I think your pronunciation is almost good. but you just need to practice pronunciation of "받침". please, read a lot and mimic the way an actress or actor you like speaks. I am sure that you are getting better with it. 화이팅! ^^

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