Needless to say who can decline a delicious treat of caramel
latte and some scrumptious tiramisu第一次做家庭版拿铁 ☕️,又做了超爱的提拉米苏。很满意的咖啡组合 💕

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minnie 2019.08.23 02:09
xydy.易烊千玺 2019.08.23 03:16
Annithing 2019.08.23 03:17
一半愿微凉 2019.08.23 03:36
11pieces 2019.08.23 03:38
Tihana 2019.08.23 03:53
Cathy 2019.08.23 04:40
天才小熊猫 2019.08.23 05:07
Isabella_Yu 2019.08.23 05:56
Emma 2019.08.23 07:53
爱笑 2019.08.23 10:13
Grace Wong 2019.08.23 19:20
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